What about the future of online (entertainment) privacy?

For the first in years, in 2018, global online piracy grew, according to the article attached.
As more and more people move to adopt online streaming services as their primary sources of entertainment, efforts to legitimise the industry are coming under greater pressure than ever before.

With network capacity forecast to explode, most especially with the global launch of 5G networks, there exist unprecedented opportunities to revolutionise entertainment delivery and experience.

At Rezzonation we’ve looked ahead, and are developing a platform that will meet the challenge of piracy head-on. Our approach allows businesses and consumers to exploit these opportunities via a completely independent and legitimate approach. Our platform allows unlimited numbers of subscribers to access any legitimate content, irrespective of where they might be*, and to share that experience, in real time, with other subscribers of their choice.

Technology, to date, has driven entertainment online, without accommodating the joy of an experience shared. Rezzonation is all about bring back this joy, no matter where a person might be. * content must be available through a legitimate provider within a subscribers resident geographic location.


Eric Derckx | CEO